Building digitally enabled communities
Digital and Financial Inclusion are two of the largest challenges faced in the world today.
Digitally enabling the 3.6bn unconnected people in the world needs a different approach which is not dependent on rolling out the internet
AiStream's hyper local cloud platform enables the challenge to be addressed at scale to transform the lives and opportunities of the underserved whatever the circumstance.

Access to digital services can be a challenge in both developed and emerging markets
Give millions of school students and adult learners an equal opportunity to experience new ways of learning and gain skills for life..
Providing the bridge from a cash economy to a digitally enabled world. Supporting the use of digital financial products in a local setting and delivering financial services to individuals, merchant's.and SMB's
The pandemic exposed that communities who were connected to digital services for e services, public health information and health and well being support fared better than those that were not. This is equally true for cultural, religious and entertainment experiences as well.

By eliminating the reliance on the internet to deliver inclusive digital services at scale. The AiStream platform builds the capacity for individuals and communities to introduce a wide variety of apps and content into daily life. This could be for education, healthcare, entertainment, commerce, e-government etc.
Simple things like using video and audio as primary communication channel quickly and efficiently removes barriers caused by adult literacy or local language issues.
Please download the attached document for more information.

AiStream accelerates personal and community transformation by bringing a digital experience that can be embedded in projects and business to create sustainable growth. Projects could be led by Government, NGO's, Financial Institutions, Commercial Enterprises Corporate ESG divisions, Charities, Telcos etc. If you would like to explore this in more detail then please contact us to discuss how we can help.

The team used a "Design Thinking" approach to innovation as it is a human centric process anchored in understanding the needs of the customer first. We focussed on what problems mattered most to the communities we wanted to serve. We soon realised that internet access was the cause of the problem but not the only solution.
The AiStream software enables the delivery of content and applications in an environment where the data is always FREE for the user. The software enables multiple services to be curated for different user stories and deployed in the cloud, on community hubs, hand held devices. These can be based upon multiple business models and supported by multiple payment methods.
AiStream Edge

The environment embraces the fact that even basic smartphones and tablets are thousands of times more powerful than the supercomputers that put Apollo 11 on the moon. The AiStream hub provides content and specialist apps that are important to the community so as an example a farmer can download specific vocational training content, specialist apps to improve the management of crops etc from the community hub all without accessing the internet. Not to mention that they can use broader resources for financially managing their business and personal life.


The AiStream Service Control Centre has been built as a fully functional service provider platform from the outset. What this means is that you can be confident of the quality of experience if you are managing 5 or 50,000 locations.
What makes the platform unique is that it was built to accommodate the delivery of offline and online services with multiple clouds distributed at the "Edge" of the network and was designed to build digital services from the edge to the core.
Therefore, you can build services that exist only as federated clouds at the edge of the network, services that exist in the public or private cloud or any variation of a hybrid cloud you need.
Our Journey
Where did we start?
The team at AiStream have collectively spent many years using their experience creating, developing and applying technology in the endless cycle of enterprises, governments and consumers wanting better, faster and cheaper ways to adapt to new business models and opportunities.
In 2019 we started our business to look at the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to fix the problems of congestion caused by the mass take up of video and rich media services in the “last mile”. As part of the journey we realised that for 3.6 billion people around that problem that either the “last mile “didn’t exist or performance was poor due to lack of infrastructure, affordability etc.
What have we done?
We set out with a vision that said any individual or community should be able to create an inclusive digital environment that gives them access to crucial digital services in their own local cloud for education, health, commerce and finance without the need for the internet. The proviso was that it had to be simple, affordable, repeatable and scalable so that a service could be operated and managed across tens of thousands of locations.
We spent the time of the pandemic building the platform which we are beginning to role out with our partners and customers over the coming months.
Where are we going?
The last 6 months we have engaged with governments, NGO's, educators, content developers, app developers, agritech businesses, retailers, entertainment companies, telco's, transport companies etc.
We are in the planning phase on a number of exciting projects that will enable us to enrich the value proposition even further.
We would be delighted to explore with you ways that AiStream could add value to new or existing programs focussed on building the next wave of connected citizens.
Just click the button below to get in touch